not sure if seen wet dreams hanafi


not sure if seen wet dreams hanafi

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By the way, both men and women should use a sutrah when praying, and the same applies to women too, that if a woman passes in front of another woman who is praying, then she cuts off her prayer as well, and this is not limited to men. Not trying to pick holes in things, I just want to learn more, InshaAllah. And Allah knows best The desired outcome was that they would go out into the real world knowing, although it is easier to vilify those who make mistakes, it is harder but more worthwhile to exercise a deeper knowledge by showing tolerance, compassion and circumspection however high passions may rise. May Allah bless you brother Massoud and grant you proper understanding and beneficial knowledge. Aisha (ra) said: The Messenger of Allaah, sallallahu alihi wasalam, was asked about a man who notices some wetness but does not remember having a wet dream. In terms of sexual stimulation, veins in a womans genital tissues begin to dilate and fill with blood, gradually making the whole area feel full (called vasocongestion). Generally it is more common amongst teenagers and frequency reduces as you grow up (and get married giving an alternate release for your hormonal buildup). Assalaam alaikum It depends on how old they are, but if they are in their teens, then just start talking about it, of course start with an intro on how humans grow and our bodies change, and hormones, etc. I am not an expert on this subject but I can share some of the ways that helped me but it cannot be a in a line or twoso just to give you a head start: If your children are still under 10, then it is good. 1. i dont know how just by thinking about sex a person has orgasmbut if someone does then he/she has to make ghusal. I just decided to change my panties wash myself there and performed wudu and went to pray. 3: well , everyone gets to learn it at school [part education] so no so long as you do not do it for it is a haraam act unless you are married. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I would experience proper wet dreams last few months for the first times and wake up and researched into it a bit and do ghusul. 3. My friend told me that it is very easy for women to get aroused, is this true? Avoid red meat as much as possible (regulate it to twice or thrice a week, and not more) This is a step that a mother has to initiate and be the first to break the ice. My suggestion is to explain exactly what happens during a wet dream, next give her the biological/hormonal cause, and then explain to her the Islamic ruling about it. This answer was collected from, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Taleemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa. the time of that prayer) elapses. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It is important to note here though that sometimes a female may wake up in the middle of the dream, before having an orgasm. How else would her child resemble her? (Bukhari). wAllahu taala alam. i woke up from sleep and i found a white discharge and i do not remember any wet dreamdo i need ghusl? I know this was posted like nearly ten years ago and I most likely wont get a reply but I cant find the answer to my question elsewhere, so.. Qn 1; does rape, sexual abuse, ambiguous consent, just kissing in your dreams count as a wet dream? I pray this finds you in the best of states. Q: I have a question about wet dreams. 3. A humane compassion for their fellowman through my first love, literature. 1 Some people wake up in the . Ah, thanks for the clarification in woman who has reached menstruation vs woman who is having menstrual period at the moment. I thought though, and Allah knows best, that that Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use with pray with Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) sitting somewhere in front of him, and she would move her legs when he needed to Sujood and then replace them (in front of him) when he rose again? It has now been transformed into a learning portal with paid Islamic course offering under the brand of Kiflayn. Salaam Then make wudu like the wudu done for prayer, then pour water on his right side, then the left side. If a person is awake and has thoughts, then what usually comes out is the madhyy only which doesnt gush out and it can even come out without the person feeling it or realizing it because it can come out without ejaculation, and this type of discharge is considered impure and requires the person to make wudu but it does not require ghusl, where as semen coming out due to ejaculation requires that the person makes ghusl. JAZAKILLAH. I wrote in my last post: With regards to your statement there is no haya in issues concerning the deen. If you are suffering from incontinence of that wetness, then you have to perform ablution for every prayer after its prescribed time has started, and you pray whatever obligatory prayers and supererogatory prayers you wish with this ablutionuntil that time (i.e. Im finding it difficult to pray because Im worried that these unwanted thoughts will come into my head. please i need an answer ASAP. Can you clarify this for me please. I understand its impure, but what am I to do if I cannot control it, the thoughts arise randomly and unannounced, and it happens so often? Sister Hena, when you say having an orgasm during sleep do you mean having a sexual dream? One last thing is that when praying in congregation, the sutrah of the Imam is considered a sutrah for everyone praying behind him, so it is sufficient for the Imam to pray towards a sutrah only. 4. 4.1 And what if she sees her underwear wet, can she consider it as discharge that breaks wudu only or not? I am one who suffers from both waswas and wet dreams quite regularly. i apologise about this, I dont know why im having such a difficult time with this. I would have appreciate knowing ways to reduce the frequency to avoid having to take 3 showers in one night, if for no other reason this is going to be extremely weird question but i need answer. But up until now I have never made full/complete wudu and then bathe and that is where I was confused. Jazak Allah, Assalmualaikumhow about when you think about sex you get a vaginal discharge.does that need ghusl. If someone thinks that he had a wet dream, then he wakes up and does not find any wetness, he does not have to do ghusl, because of the report narrated by al-Bukhaari (130) and Muslim (313) from Umm Salamah, who said: Umm Sulaym came to the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allah, Allah is not too shy to tell the truth. JazakAllah khair sister.thank u sister for solving my problem.after these dreams i felt very guilty n blamed myself. Firstly and most importantly, she should make istiaadha (seek Allahs protection by saying Aoodhobillahi minash shaytaan-ir-rajeem). an orgasm is accompanied with dischargeso im not sure what you meant by an orgasm without a discharge. Sex and the Ummah Series | New Initiative: Like a Garment | Yasir Qadhi, Dealing With Homosexual Urges: Yasir Qadhi to Muslim Student. However, the other opinion is inferred from a number of ahadith that state that the rulings are to be established at time of menstruation, like the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alihi wasalam: Allah does not accept the prayer of a menstruating woman [i.e who has gotten her menstruation] unless she wears a veil [khimar]. Also, she says she would slip away-how is that not passing? I felt my whole body shudder and tense as I moaned and orgasmed right there, sitting up in my bed. Umm Reem, Im not sure you understood her question. I get very scared when I pray because im very worried that it might happen. So many young souls are vulnerable through not having the resources and avenues to trust information outlets and remain in quite an emotionally stuck place within themselves. Also as for my doubt on having wet dream I want to ignore it as I feel if I should perform ghusl, same thing might happen again tommorow. Praise be to Allah. He said, He does not have to do ghusl. Umm Salamah said, O Messenger of Allah, does a woman have to do ghusl if she sees something like that? He said, Yes, women are the twin halves of men. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood). I know this is haram but is she has to ghusl? i am 20 years old girl i want to know that if i saw a wet dreams on my bed How do they look, what is their composition to differ them? Am i allowed to kick my son out of the house? Brothers, could you give me some suggestion on preventing wet dreams. If sisters have any further questions, please feel free to post them here. and the other thing is if a girl watching a movie or any romantic video cause her orgasm but she dont feel wet.

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